Here are the subjects I have studied at King's College London: CONDUCT OF WAR 1st year course
- ESSAY Was XIX century war more than 'a continuation of politics by other means' ?HISTORY OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE
2nd year course
- ESSAY What were the protagonists fighting about in the American War?
- ESSAY 'WWI convincingly demonstrated the value of Empire to Britain.' Discuss
2nd year course
- ESSAY Why did Europe divide into two armed camps before 1914 - ESSAY Account for the collapse of the French Army in May and June 1940STATE, SOCIETY AND STRATEGY
3rd year course
- NOTES Weinberger and Colin Powell's Doctrine - NOTES Clausewitz & Jomini - ESSAY What do Bock's words reveal about the top German Army commanders' expectations regarding the nature of war?INTELLIGENCE WARS, SECRET WARS
3rd year course
- PRESENTATION Was the failure of the Soviet Union before Barbarossa an intelligence failure, or something else? During this year abroad, I conducted research on - Carl von Clausewitz et Antoine-Henri de Jomini - la Generalität dans la Wehrmacht - la défaite française de mai-juin 1940 - l'Empire britannique face aux guerres (la guerre d'Indépendance américaine 1776-1783, la guerre des Boers 1899-1902, les deux Guerres Mondiales...)